About Us

About Us

Squash Inspire

Squash Inspire is dedicated to transforming the lives of underserved youth through the power of squash and education. Squash Inspire strives to break down barriers, empower underserved youth, and provide them with the skills and opportunities they need to thrive academically, personally, and professionally.


Squash Inspire provides opportunities for personal growth, academic achievement, and social development for youth ages 5-18 who otherwise may not have access to such resources.
We believe that sports are a training ground for life, so we emphasize fair play, hard work, commitment, comradery, and fun.
Squash Inspire is a 501c3 organization.
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Expert Coaches

Our Vision & Mission

Squash Inspire’s vision is to transform lives through the power of squash and education. By developing sustained athletic and academic programs for school-aged children who attend Title I schools, we will provide opportunities for wellness, academic success, and social development regardless of their family’s income.

Our Mission

We believe that success extends beyond the squash court and the classroom. We strive to instill discipline, resilience, teamwork, and leadership in our participants. By cultivating these qualities, Squash Inspire prepares young individuals to navigate challenges, make positive choices, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Our Vision

Through its unwavering commitment to its vision, Squash Inspire strives to transform lives, bridge gaps in opportunity, and inspire a new generation of leaders who will contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society.

Make The Difference

Why You Should Join Us

Play unintentionally, and feel the difference

Donating to Squash Inspire is a meaningful way to make a positive impact on the lives of underserved youth. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider donating to Squash Inspire:
Transforming Lives
Holistic Approach
Access and Equity
Long-Term Impact
Community Development
Tax Deductibility

Youth Programming

Squash Inspire offers comprehensive youth programming designed to support the development and well-being of underserved young individuals.

Summer Camps

Squash Inspire offers engaging and enriching summer camps for young individuals as part of their youth programming.

Professional Tournaments

Squash Inspire aims to raise awareness about the sport of squash and its impact on underserved youths by hosting professional tournaments

Squash Inspire

Our Commitment to Equity

Squash Inspire is deeply committed to equity, recognizing the importance of providing equal opportunities and access to underserved youth. The organization actively works to address and overcome barriers that hinder equitable participation in squash and education.

John Hufford


Martha Perez


How We Work

Equal Access to Opportunity

Squash Inspire operates with a clear focus on providing equal access to opportunities for underserved youth. The organization follows a systematic approach to ensure that all participants have an equitable chance to benefit from their programs. Here’s an overview of how Squash Inspire works to ensure equal access to opportunity:

Outreach and Engagement

Squash Inspire actively engages with underserved communities to raise awareness about their programs and create opportunities for participation. The organization collaborates with schools, community centers, and other local partners to reach youth who may face barriers to accessing sports and education programs. Through targeted outreach efforts, Squash Inspire ensures that information about their programs reaches those who would benefit the most.

Financial Assistance and Scholarships

Recognizing that financial constraints can be a significant barrier, Squash Inspire offers financial assistance and scholarships to make their programs accessible to all. They actively seek funding and sponsorships to support these initiatives, ensuring that financial limitations do not prevent deserving youth from participating. By providing financial support, Squash Inspire removes a significant barrier to entry and promotes equitable access to their programs.

Program Accessibility

Squash Inspire strives to make their programs physically accessible to all participants. This includes considering factors such as location, transportation options, and facility accessibility. The organization seeks to ensure that geographic location or limited access to transportation does not become a hindrance for interested youth. By selecting accessible venues and exploring transportation options, Squash Inspire promotes equal access to its programs.
Through these strategies and approaches, Squash Inspire works diligently to provide equal access to opportunities for underserved youth. By addressing financial, geographical, and cultural barriers and creating an inclusive and supportive environment, Squash Inspire strives to ensure that all participants can benefit from their programs and have an equal chance to succeed and thrive.

Participating in Squash Inspire programs enables personal growth, academic achievement, and the development of important life skills such as discipline, teamwork, and goal setting.

Squash Inspire collaborates with schools, community centers, and other stakeholders to create a support network for underserved youths. The organisation also organises events and outreach programs to foster community involvement.

You can get involved with Squash Inspire by donating, volunteering, or supporting their events and fundraisers. Visit their website for more information on how to contribute.

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Success Stories

Nathan Coleman
Nathan Coleman
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Kelly Beavers
Kelly Beavers
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Sagittis placerat dictumst himenaeos fames risus felis. Fermentum fames maximus nullam torquent proin ligula lacus consectetuer nulla nisi. Magna primis integer cursus nisl laoreet mollis torquent.
Richard Bravo
Richard Bravo
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Sagittis placerat dictumst himenaeos fames risus felis. Fermentum fames maximus nullam torquent proin ligula lacus consectetuer nulla nisi. Magna primis integer cursus nisl laoreet mollis torquent.
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